Seasonal Outreaches

 Ways we reach out to our Community.....

When we were looking for ways to reach out to our community we began to see the need many people had for food, clothing and other daily necessities.  We also saw the opportunity to bless children with gifts at Christmas, Good Friday and other times throughout the year. 
We didn't want to just give away baskets on Good Friday or toys at Christmas without tying the Gospel message into our out-reaches.  We are happy to meet people's "felt needs" but we also wanted to meet that eternal need that they may not even realize they have.  We wanted to minister to them in a more effective and relevant way.
This led us to putting on skits, dramas, dance, etc. as a means of sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. During the holiday season - Thanksgiving, Christmas, Good Friday (and other times during the year), we invite people to church for food, toys, Easter baskets, back packs or whatever the Lord has blessed us with. Before we give out the goodies, we minister through drama, dance, etc. and then share the Gospel with them.  Giving them an opportunity to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. 
Our Good Friday drama "It Is Finished" has become a community favorite.  Although we're not professionals, our members are anointed to perform and God really uses it to touch the hearts of our neighbors!
Never do we collect an offering during these times, because we feel that it is a time of "Evangelistic Ministry" - Freely it is given to us, freely we give!
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